Archive for April 5th, 2017

Differences Between Commercial And Home Elevators

Commercial elevators have been in use for many years and are designed for a single, specific purpose. The versatility of home elevators requires a very different design goal depending on their purpose.


Commercial Elevators

Commercial elevators are installed for the sole purpose of moving items or people as efficiently as possible. Restaurants often situate their kitchens on a different level away from the main dining area for various reasons. An elevator is essential to move meals, linens, cutlery, dishes then return them to the kitchen again. Elevators in office buildings carry workers, furnishings and documents to different floors throughout the building. In a hotel, cruise ship or hospital setting elevators carry guests, patients, visitors,  laundry  and other items between floors. Commercial elevators allow businesses of all sorts to keep up with demand in an efficient manner.

Home Elevators

A home elevator is not as utilitarian as a commercial one and …