How Often Should You Check and Maintain Your HVAC Systems?

Heating and air conditioning systems control the ambient temperature and air quality in your home. In the majority of cases, these advantages are entirely risk-free. But, just as you wouldn’t drive a car for three years without getting it serviced, you shouldn’t neglect routine maintenance on your HVAC systems. Your health and energy bills may depend on it.

Why HVAC Systems Need Regular Maintenance

HVAC systems are highly effective ways of circulating air throughout space at a desirable temperature. However, like most mechanical systems, they are not infallible. Your heating and air conditioning system requires regular checks if it is to operate with peak efficiency. Preventative maintenance also cuts the risk of health-harming mold and carbon monoxide circulating around your home. According to, the simple task of replacing a clogged filter with a clean one can slash your energy consumption by 5 to 15 percent, so it’s great for your bank account, too.

Regular Maintenance — What Does That Mean?

Regular maintenance falls into two categories: the stuff you can do yourself and the troubleshooting that only a professional heating and air conditioning contractor can do. For the most part, your DIY task comprises regular cleaning. Keeping your heating and air conditioning system clean and dust-free, especially around the intakes and outlets, goes a long way to keeping the system running smoothly and efficiently. However, some parts of your HVAC system are tricky to reach. When an engineer carries out preventive maintenance, he does a number of jobs, including:


  • Cleaning all the hard-to-reach components that can cause trouble when dirty
  • Inspecting the fans, belts, bearing and other components that can become worn over time
  • Checking air flow and fixing leaks
  • Cleaning flues and fuel jets of oil-fired burners
  • Troubleshooting and fixing other problems
  • Changing filters, coils and ducts that impact air quality
  • Adjusting your systems for peak efficiency.

The idea is to keep your heating and air conditioning systems in tip-top condition throughout the year, so you don’t find yourself without air conditioning in the middle of summer or heating in the middle of winter, when you need it the most.

Annual Maintenance Gives the Best Results

Heating and air conditioning systems should be checked over at least once a year. Ideally, you should have the systems checked just before you start using them again after a period of inactivity; so, have your air conditioning checked in the spring and the heating systems checked in the fall. The benefits of professional, annual maintenance include:

  • · Increasing efficiency which lowers energy cost
  • · Finding and fixing problems before they become serious
  • · Extending the life-span of the system
  • · Maintaining safe and healthy air quality
  • · Drastically reducing the chance of a break-down
  • · Complying with the terms of your equipment warranty.

Heating and air conditioning systems are some of the most complex equipment you have in your home, so make sure you hire the right professional for the job. A good HVAC company will have all the necessary state licensing and liability insurance as well as a great reputation in your local area.


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