The Wait is Finally over

A couple of years ago, my air conditioner stopped working, and I didn’t have enough money to repair it. The heat was too hot to bear, and the spare box fan that I had wasn’t enough to keep me cool, so I used the little money I had to buy a window air conditioner. While it was better than nothing, it really only cooled off one room, leaving the rest of the room at hot temperatures. Over time, I saved my money until I finally had enough to hire a company for an AC repair in Brooklyn.

It took saving a little money from my paycheck each month to build up enough money to pay for the air conditioner repair. There were things that I was tempted to buy, but I had to hold back those urges so I could get to the goal I wanted to reach. I even cancelled some services like my Netflix subscription to speed up the process. It was a great test of my will power and determination, and at times it seemed like I would make some kind of unnecessary purchase, but I was able to avoid it.

Months ago, I finally saved up enough to get the air conditioner repaired, and it was just in the nick of time too, because summer was around the corner. In the time that I had been saving money, I looked at various repair companies to decide which one would be the best choice to fix my air conditioner. Once the last amount of money was in my account, I contacted the company and made plans for the repairs to be done. The difference in the time it took me to save the money and the time it took to make the repairs was a shock, as it was done in less than half an hour.
