Why You Still Need to Trim Your Trees in the Summer

For many types of trees, summer isn’t an ideal time for major pruning, as the wounds it causes may be exposed longer and “bleed” more prodigiously than in the dormant season, increasing the likelihood of disease or infestation.

That said, there’s definitely a place for trimming trees in the summer, and neglecting it can be detrimental to the tree itself, to surrounding structures, and to human safety.


Summer Pruning

In some situations, summer’s actually an ideal time for trim work. For one thing, certain hardwoods–including maples, birches, and walnuts–bleed sap extensively during the growing season, and it’s often better to prune these when the year’s new growth has matured and leaves are full-sized. This may be anywhere from late spring to midsummer, depending on the region and the species in question.

Although the peak season for pruning apple trees is usually late winter, summer trimming can also be beneficial: As Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener Pat Patterson notes in this write-up, it’s often easiest to identify and remove low-yield as well as damaged or diseased boughs in summertime.

Many conifers, meanwhile, can essentially be pruned or trimmed year-round. Once again, summer’s a good time to spot and take down a spruce or fir’s dead or suffering branches.

Damaged, Diseased, and Dead Wood

That brings us to a larger point: Any kind of tree sporting dead, injured, or diseased branches in its canopy represents a potential hazard. Bring the experts in to safely and expediently deal with such a situation. Summer often sees violent thunderstorms, too, which can leave dangling deadwood in even the healthiest trees; these need to be addressed immediately to eliminate the threat they pose to property–and human life and limb.

Summer may also be when you notice a vigorously growing tree is beginning to negatively impact its environment one way or another: impinging on a power line, for example, or beginning to mask a street sign. Having a qualified tree trimming service assess your trees regularly can head those kinds of situations off at the pass.

Some property owners assume the task of trimming trees themselves, but bear in mind this is very often a hazardous undertaking. An arborist has the knowledge and the specialized equipment to pull off trim operations situated dozens of feet off the ground or involving branches perilously close to homes and other structures. Tree work’s nothing to play around with.

Stay on top of trimming so your trees are as healthy, good-looking, and secure as they can be. And turn to expert tree maintenance and removal specialists to get the job done safely and properly!


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