Archive for January, 2019

Benefits of Treated Pine

When you have a wood fencing project, you want to use fence posts that are durable, versatile, and low-cost.  Treated wood is a better choice when it comes to fencing your yard and it comes with many benefits.  You will find that many fence installers and homeowners prefer pine since it is cost effective and long-lasting.  That’s why you find it being used for other purposes like decking because it can withstand the impact and can’t wear out easily.  If you are installing a fence in your home, you want to know these benefits of permeated pine:


Compared to other woods, pine tends to be more available.  Because wood can suffer from environmental damage or be attacked by insect-like termites, you want to ensure that it is treated.  In the past, pine was treated using chromate copper arsenate, however, because of the arsenic substance that is considered a pollutant, …